Research Paper 2002

  1. Archak S, Karihaloo JL and Jain A (2002). RAPD markers reveal narrowing genetic base of Indian tomato cultivars. Current Science, 82: 1139-1143
  2. Dahiya KK, S Archak and JL Karihaloo (2002). RAPD analysis of guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivars.. Indian J. Plant Gene. Resour., 15: 1-5.
  3. Archak S, AB Gaikwad, D Gautam and JL Karihaloo (2002). Characterization of genetic diversity of cashew in India by RAPD and AFLP analysis.. Indian J. Plant Gene. Resour., 14: 255-256.
  4. Arya, L, G S Sandhia, S S Malik and S K Singh (2002). Inheritance of RAPD markers in Sorghum hybrids.. Indian J. Plant Gene. Resour., 14(2): 229-230.
  5. Gaikwad AB, S Archak, D Gautam and JL Karihaloo (2002). Assessing variability among Indian capsicums by AFLP.. Indian J. Plant Gene. Resour., 14: 244-245.
  6. Kamala V, SD Singh, PJ Bramel and DM Rao. (2002). Sources of resistance to downy mildew in wild and weedy sorghums.. Crop Sci., 42:: 1357-1360.
  7. Mohar Singh and Dorin Gupta (2002). Genetic divergence in lentil. Crop Res., 23: 87-89
  8. Mohar Singh and R.K. Chahota (2002). Technology transfer in agriculture. Agriculture Today, 10: 48-52
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