Research Paper 2001

  1. Archak S, Baldev A, Gautam D and Karihaloo JL (2001). Characterization of Genetic Diversity of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) in India by RAPD and AFLP Analyses. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 14: 255-257
  2. Dwivedi, N.K, Neelam Bhatnagar and D.C.Bhandari (2001). Collection of Plant Genetic Resources From Parts of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions in India.. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 14 (2):: 268-272.
  3. Dwivedi, N.K., D.C. Bhandari, Neelam Bhatnagar and D.K. Samadia (2001). Collecting diversity in Kachari (Cucumis callosus ) and Matira (Citrullus lanatus ) from Arid region of Rajasthan, India.. Annals of Arid Zone., 6(1):: 5-6
  4. Gupta S and JI Mir (2001). Cryopreservation of apple (Malus domestica cv. Benoni) dormant buds using two-step freezing method.. Acta Hort., 1234:: 323-327.
  5. Raiger, H.L., Dutta, M., Phogat, B.S., Rathi, R.S. and Joshi, V. (2001). Annual Report 2000-01, All India Coordinated Research Network on Underutilized Crops. NBPGR, New Delhi, -: 196
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