राष्ट्रीय पादप आनुवंशिक संसाधन ब्यूरो के क्षेत्रीय केंद्र जोधपुर में दिनांक 29.12.2023 को हिंदी कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया

Amaranth is considered as a staple Indian diet and is described as a “superfood” because of its high protein content and well-balanced amino acid profile. In terms of nutrient content, amaranth surpasses many staple crops (cereals) such as rice, corn, and wheat. Additionally, lysine content is twice as much than in rice and thrice as much than in corn. Along with desirable agronomic traits, this crop has been largely applauded for its gluten-free nature. Not only it benefit the vegan and gluten allergy human beings, but it also has the potential to supply high-quality proteins and at the same time provides antimicrobial activities in the packaged food items. Despite all these properties, this crop is still not in the mainstream cultivation practices in India and the world. As the planet is expecting massive increase in human population and global climate change, we firmly believe that this widely distributed, ancient, protein-rich pseudo-cereal has a potential to augment our food system and demand in future. By adopting improved varieties and agro-techniques as described above, the yield of grain amaranth in both hills and plains can be substantially increased. It will not only ameliorate economic condition of the farmers dwelling in the hills and plains, but will also enhance the availability of nutritious food to check malnutrition in human beings.

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